Jesse Stein

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You might be wondering, what exactly are real estate letters, and how can they help you in your career? Real estate letters are written communications that you, as a real estate professional, send to your sphere of influence to keep them informed, educated, and engaged with your business.

Your sphere of influence, or SOI, is made up of the people you know and interact with regularly, such as friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and past clients. These individuals can be crucial to your business’s growth and success, as they can provide referrals, testimonials, and support.

In the fast-paced world of real estate, it’s essential to stay connected with your sphere of influence to ensure they remember you when they need a real estate professional. One of the most effective ways to do this is through real estate letters.

These letters serve as a direct line of communication between you and your SOI, helping you build and maintain strong relationships that can benefit your business for years to come.

The Importance of Sphere of Influence Relationships in Real Estate

Why is your sphere of influence so important in real estate? The answer is simple: people trust recommendations from those they know and trust. When you nurture your relationships with individuals in your SOI, you increase the likelihood that they will recommend you to others who need a real estate professional. This can lead to more referrals, more clients, and ultimately, more success for your business, says Rev Real Estate School.

In addition to generating referrals, your sphere of influence can provide valuable feedback on your marketing efforts and services, helping you improve and grow your business. They can also serve as a source of encouragement and support, helping you stay motivated and focused as you navigate the challenges and successes of your real estate career.

By investing time and effort into building strong relationships with your SOI, you can create a network of people who genuinely care about your success and are eager to help you reach your goals.

Types of Real Estate Letters and Their Purposes

Now that you understand the importance of real estate letters, let’s discuss the different types and their purposes. There are several types of real estate letters, each designed to achieve a specific goal:

1. Introduction Letters

These letters are used to introduce yourself to potential clients, colleagues, and other professionals in your industry. They should include information about your experience, services, and what sets you apart from other real estate professionals.

2. Market Update Letters

Market update letters provide your SOI with valuable information about the current state of the real estate market in your area. This can include statistics, trends, and other insights that can help them make informed decisions about buying or selling a property.

3. Just Listed/Just Sold Letters

These letters inform your SOI about recent properties you’ve listed or sold, showcasing your expertise and success in the real estate industry.

4. Seasonal Letters

Send these letters during seasonal events or holidays to show your SOI that you’re thinking of them and to remind them of your services.

5. Educational Letters

Educational letters offer valuable information about topics related to real estate, such as home maintenance tips, financing options, or the home-buying process. These letters position you as an expert in your field and can help your SOI feel more comfortable and confident in their real estate decisions.

Crafting Effective Real Estate Letters

To make the most of your real estate letters, it’s essential to create compelling and engaging content that captures your SOI’s attention and keeps them reading. Here are some tips for crafting effective real estate letters:

  • Be concise and to the point. Avoid using jargon or industry-specific language that your SOI may not understand. Instead, use clear and simple language that gets your message across quickly and effectively.
  • Use an attention-grabbing headline. Create a headline that piques your reader’s interest and encourages them to read further.
  • Provide valuable information. Offer insights and information that your SOI will find useful and relevant to their real estate needs.
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Encourage your SOI to take action, such as contacting you for more information, visiting your website, or attending an upcoming event.
  • Proofread and edit your letter. Ensure your real estate letter is free of errors and typos, as these can detract from your professionalism and credibility.

Personalizing Real Estate Letters for Maximum Impact

One of the most effective ways to make your real estate letters stand out is by personalizing them for each recipient. This shows your SOI that you’ve taken the time to consider their unique needs and interests, making them more likely to engage with your content and respond to your CTA.

To personalize your real estate letters, consider incorporating the following elements:

  • Address the recipient by name. Use their first name to create a sense of familiarity and connection.
  • Mention specific details about the recipient’s property or situation, such as the recent sale of their home, the local school district, or a recent renovation project they’ve completed.
  • Tailor your content to the recipient’s interests or needs. If you know they’re considering selling their home, for example, provide information about the current market conditions and your expertise in selling properties similar to theirs.
  • Include a personal note or anecdote. Share a recent experience or memory that connects you with the recipient, helping to strengthen your relationship and build rapport.

Timing and Frequency of Sending Real Estate Letters

When it comes to sending real estate letters, timing and frequency are key factors to consider, according to BiggerPockets. You don’t want to bombard your SOI with too much communication, but you also don’t want to let too much time pass between touchpoints.

To strike the right balance, consider the following guidelines:

  • Send introduction letters soon after meeting new contacts to solidify your relationship and ensure they remember you.
  • Send market update letters quarterly, as this provides a consistent stream of valuable information without overwhelming your SOI.
  • Send just listed/just sold letters soon after the transaction occurs to showcase your success and keep your SOI informed.
  • Seasonal letters should be sent a few weeks before the holiday or event, giving your SOI enough time to respond or take action.
  • Educational letters can be sent sporadically, depending on the content and relevance to your SOI.

Tracking and Measuring the Success of Real Estate Letters

To ensure your real estate letters are effective, it’s essential to track and measure their success. This can help you identify what’s working, what’s not, and how to improve your strategy moving forward.

Consider tracking the following metrics.

  • Open rates: Measure the percentage of recipients who open your letter. A high open rate indicates that your subject line and headline are compelling and engaging.
  • Click-through rates: Measure the percentage of recipients who click on a link or take action in response to your CTA. This shows how effective your content is at driving engagement and conversions.
  • Response rates: Measure the percentage of recipients who respond to your letter, such as by calling or emailing you. This indicates how engaged your SOI is with your business and how likely they are to refer you to others.
  • Referral rates: Measure the number of referrals you receive from your SOI. This shows how effective your letters are at generating new business and expanding your network.
  • QR codes: QR codes facilitate tracking real estate letters by providing a quick and efficient way to link physical mail to digital information. Generated and printed on the letters, recipients can easily scan the QR codes using a smartphone or QR code scanner app, which then redirects them to a web page or online platform with additional information. This enables real estate companies to track and analyze the usage of QR codes, gaining insights into campaign effectiveness and engaging with potential buyers or sellers more efficiently.

By tracking these metrics, you can identify which types of real estate letters are resonating with your SOI and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Building Strong Relationships Through Real Estate Letters

Real estate letters are more than just a marketing tool – they’re a way to build and strengthen relationships with your SOI. By providing valuable information, personalized content, and consistent communication, you can create a network of individuals who trust and respect you as a real estate professional.

To build strong relationships through real estate letters, consider the following tips:

  • Be authentic and genuine in your communication. Avoid using canned or generic messaging, as this can come across as insincere.
  • Show your appreciation for your SOI’s support and referrals. Thank them for their business and let them know how much you value their trust and loyalty.
  • Ask for feedback and suggestions. Encourage your SOI to provide feedback on your services and marketing efforts, and use their input to improve and grow your business.
  • Offer value beyond your services. Provide resources, tips, and insights that can help your SOI in their real estate journey, even if they’re not currently in the market to buy or sell, says Fit Small Business.

Integrating Real Estate Letters into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Real estate letters are just one piece of your overall marketing strategy, but they can be a powerful tool for building and maintaining relationships with your SOI. To make the most of your real estate letters, consider integrating them into a comprehensive marketing plan that includes:

  • Social media marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share your content and engage with your SOI.
  • Email marketing: Send regular newsletters and promotional emails to your SOI, highlighting your services and expertise.
  • Networking events: Attend local events and conferences to meet new contacts and expand your network.
  • Advertising: Use targeted advertising to reach potential clients and increase your visibility in your local market.

By integrating real estate letters into your overall marketing strategy, you can create a cohesive and effective approach to building your business.

Real Estate Letter Templates and Examples

If you’re not sure where to start with real estate letters, don’t worry – there are plenty of templates and examples available to help you get started. 

1. Buyer Prospecting – Casual Tone

Hey Sara!


Dreaming of the perfect home? I’ve got you covered! I’m Jim Miller from Compass, and I specialize in finding dream homes for people like you in Los Angeles.


Let’s explore stunning properties, negotiate amazing deals, and secure the best mortgage rates together! With my expertise, you’ll be popping champagne in your new home in no time. 


Don’t miss out on fantastic opportunities in the ever-changing market. Connect with me, and let’s start this exciting journey together.


Ready to take the plunge? Scan the QR code to schedule a chat with me. Can’t wait to help you find your happy place! 



Jim Miller

Compass Realtor

(555) 555-5555


2. I Have Buyers


Hey Mike!


Exciting news from Peoria! I’m Seth Duggan a local real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway, and I’ve got a motivated buyer eager to make an offer on your lovely home. They’ve been scouring the market, and your property checks all their boxes!


Let’s capitalize on this opportunity and strike while the iron’s hot. I’ll guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth and profitable transaction. Trust me to showcase your home’s unique charm and secure a winning deal.


Ready to explore this fantastic chance? Get in touch, and let’s discuss the possibilities. Scan the QR code to schedule a no-pressure chat!


Talk soon,


Seth Duggan

BH Realtor

(555) 555-5555


3. Seller Prospecting – Casual Tone


Hi Thom & Lily,


Thinking about selling your home in Jacksonville? You’re in luck! I’m Gerri Hamilton from Hamilton Investments, and I love helping folks like you maximize their profits in the vibrant real estate market.


Let’s showcase your property, attract qualified buyers, and close the deal swiftly. With my proven marketing strategies and in-depth knowledge of Jacksonville, you’ll be celebrating a successful sale in no time. 


Don’t settle for average results. Partner with me and let’s make your home-selling experience exceptional.


Ready to get started? Scan the QR code to schedule a no-obligation consultation. I’m excited to help you achieve your goals! 




Gerri Hamilton

Owner/Broker Hamilton Investments

(555) 555-5555


4. Long Time No See Referral Request


Hey Wilson!


Long time no see! How’s the family and the Oakland life treating you? We’ve been busy over here at Stonewall Homes helping folks like you find their dream homes.


Speaking of which, have you or anyone you know been on the hunt for a new place lately? We’ve got some amazing listings that we think would be right up your alley. And if you refer someone our way, we’ll make sure to show you some extra love.


At Stonewall Homes, we’re not just real estate agents, we’re matchmakers. We know how important finding the perfect home is, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.


So let’s catch up soon and chat about your real estate needs. And don’t forget to scan the QR code to check out some of our hottest properties!



Margaret and Matthew Stonewall

Owners Stonewall Homes

(555) 555-5555

P.S. We’ve missed you!

By using these templates and examples as a starting point, you can create real estate letters that are professional, engaging, and effective.

The Transformative Power of Real Estate Letters

Real estate letters may seem like a small part of your overall marketing strategy, but they can have a transformative impact on your relationships with your SOI. By providing valuable information, personalized content, and consistent communication, you can build trust, loyalty, and referrals from your network of contacts.

To make the most of your real estate letters, remember to:

  • Craft compelling and engaging content
  • Personalize your letters for each recipient
  • Time your letters effectively
  • Track and measure your success
  • Integrate your letters into your overall marketing strategy

By following these tips and best practices, you can unlock the full potential of real estate letters and take your business to the next level.